#Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope for 26 November 2024


What a difference a few days can make. The Moon not only spent the first two days of the week in Scorpio but opposed to both planets in your relationship sector. Once a month, this will put a balance between your personal and relationship needs to the test, fuelling strong emotional responses and sometimes creating relationship tension. On the other side of yesterday’s Full Moon in your communication sector, a friendly aspect to planets in your relationship sector is turning everything around.

More Horoscope:

Scorpio in Love and Relationships: Passionate, Magnetic, and Mysterious

Scorpios are some of the most alluring people out there. Their energy just oozes sexuality!

But these intense Scorpions aren’t just looking for a casual relationship or a one-night stand. Scorpio is connected to the House of Intimacy in Astrology; they want to go deep. They want to share their body, but more importantly, their soul.

One thing’s for sure: Dating a Scorpio is never dull! Whether you’re curious about Scorpio compatibility or you need to know what you’re getting yourself into when loving a Scorpio, keep reading to uncover it all!

Positive Scorpio traits

When you’re in a deep relationship with a Scorpio, you don’t have to worry so much about the emotional baggage from your past. Scorpio’s tenacity and willingness to accept the dark with the light makes them great when handling crises. If you’ve been through something deeply painful or traumatic, past or present, you can absolutely count on them to be there, supporting you and helping you heal.

And you’ll never have to wonder if your Scorpio lover is into you. Scorpios are intensely loyal and protective of their partner, and they’re not afraid of intimacy — it’s what they crave. They aren’t about playing games and keeping things light and loose. They want to connect in the depths, and to share the deepest and darkest parts of your souls.

Negative Scorpio traits

Scorpios have an obsessive need for control, and you better believe that will apply to your relationship when you’re dating a Scorpio. Not only will they need to have a say in every single aspect of your partnership, they’ll have no problem telling YOU how things will be done. If you happen to be especially stubborn or independent, Scorpio’s grip will probably feel too tight for you.

When you’re with a Scorpio, you may also feel like you are constantly explaining or defending yourself. Scorpios are extremely possessive and suspicious, and will often have questions about where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing, when you got home… And you better have an answer that’s on the up-and-up, because if your Scorpio lover feels they’ve been wronged, they will seek revenge, and it won’t be pretty…

Scorpio in a relationship

Two words, Scorpio: CHILL OUT. Your energy is very powerful, which is going to take you far in life, but in romance, intensity can be intimidating. Don’t stop being you, but consider how you come across to others — are you drawing in the type of people you want to? You could find you have more romantic prospects — or smoother relationships — if you are able to manage the extremes of your emotions.

And now, the really hard part: You’ve got to learn how to respect your partner’s privacy. It’s unhealthy to immerse oneself 100% into any relationship — everyone needs things that are theirs and theirs alone, you and your partner included. The more you pry and question your loved one, the more unstable and untrusted they’ll feel. Your suspicions say a lot more about you than about them — are you really willing to risk a good thing?

Dating a Scorpio man or Scorpio woman

If you haven’t realized it by now, Scorpio is an extremely intense sign, and you’ll deal with a lot of that intensity in a relationship with them. This is something you’ll have to know and accept going in; you get the passionate, inquisitive, deep side of Scorpio’s intensity, but you have to take the controlling, possessive intensity with it. That Scorpion stinger will sting from time to time, so you’ll need a thick skin, but you’ll also need to be very open. If you both sweep your Scorpion partner’s fears under the rug, they will simmer and boil there until they explode. These things must be addressed.

And we leave you with three words when dating a Scorpio: honesty, honesty, honesty! There’s no way around it, you HAVE to keep it real with your Scorpio lover. Scorpios can smell lies, secrets, and infidelities a mile away, so if you’re keeping something from them, they’ll know it. Then, the trust is gone and, for a Scorpio, when the trust is gone, the love is gone… Consider yourself warned!

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